Friday, May 10, 2013


As we approach Mother's Day, I can't help but think of all the Moms who have helped shape my life. I have been blessed to have an abundance of women in my life that have taught me so much. Two most important are the ones I call Mom. God showed favor on me and not only gave me a biological mother but also an "adopted" one. Two women I could never replace and could not imagine life without. 
My Mom Amber gave me the greatest gift of all outside of life itself. She taught me about God. She not only told me about faith but she showed me how to live by faith. She shared with me at a young age who The Lord was and how his love would transform my life. No matter what happened in our family or the trials she faced as a young wife and mother she never doubted Gods love. She made sure we knew of him and his commitment to us. She taught me forgiveness like God forgives. She showed me love like Jesus loves. This is the ultimate gift! Like most Moms mine made her mistakes but the one thing she never wavered on was her faith. Thank you Mom!
My second "adopted" Mom, Kim, was a gift from God! She stepped into my life when I needed her the most. She loved me from day one and has never stopped, no matter the worry and heartache I caused her. She has guided me and helped shape me into the woman I am today. She's been tough when I needed it but didn't want it. She has always know when I needed that extra bit of love and attention, even when I didn't. I thank God everyday that he picked Kim for me! I love you Mom!!
There have been several other women who have helped me grow and learn. Connie took me into her home when I couldn't stay with my parents any longer. She had a house full already, 5 other kids ranging from 17-8. But without a second though she took me in and took care of me as her own, with zero compensation. She knew I was in need and nurtured me at a very viral time in my life (age 15). 
As I got older and "knew it all" I moved from Connie's in with a friend. When that didn't workout another amazing woman stepped in, Marci. I was friends with her daughter and started staying over a lot. Next thing I knew I was living with them. Marci was welcoming and loving. She listened and gave me advice that to a 17yr old actually made sense. One Christmas Marci made sure I felt like a part of the family by not only letting me spend the holiday with them but by getting me a stocking and lots of gifts. 
Since I've been on my own I've witnessed many woman closer to my age be Moms. Although they weren't motherly to me I've learned from them. I've seen what it looks like to be a Mom through their behaviors. 
My best friend April for one. She started early and has had many struggles being a single Mom for a large part of her parenting life. No matter what she has had unconditional love for her kids. She made many sacrifices so they could have a better life. Another great example is my friend Pricilla. She has been so inspiring to me over the years and four kids later. Her patients, understanding and overall calmness has shown me what to work towards. The thing is with Pricilla is her love and faith in Christ. She trusts The Lord with her family and knows he will provide. She doesn't have to tell you this you can just see it in her. 
And most recently my friend Heather has shown me what it looks like to be a new Mom. The level of commitment it takes to raise a child and continue to grow a marriage. She makes being awife and   mother look easy, although I know it is not. 

I want to thank all the Moms in my life, the ones mentioned here and the others I did not, I hold them all very dear to heart.

As I venture into this new stage in my life of Motherhood, I pray that God will help me be half the Mom these women have been. I will take from each one of them something special and in my own way apply it to being the best Mom I can be!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Trouble and Heartache

In this life we have bad days and hard times.

Sometimes, life can get to a point you just don't know how you're going to make it. This world can bring you to your knees, break you. These difficult times can seem never ending and we wonder why we are getting slammed over and over from every direction. Our heart gets broken and usually, it's when we have the best intentions for the people/person who breaks it.

If this is you, or if you are still holding on to a situation or time when you felt this way; know that you are not alone. You are not alone in the sense that millions of people have similar struggles as you. More importantly you are not alone because you have your Father. Not your earthly Father, I can't speak for Him. You have your heavenly Father. He is always there. Although, He will allow these hard times to come and sometime linger, He is there. He is waiting for you to turn to him during these times. He wants to hear your heartaches and troubles. He desires to comfort you and fill your heart with joy in the midst of the pain.

I know just as well as anyone that during these times it's hard to turn to God. He is not here, physically, standing beside you. You can't hug him or lay in his arms. He can however, hold your heart like no other person on this earth can do. God is the creator of your heart and soul; He knows what is best for you in every situation. Turn to him, pray, pour your heart out; He wants to hear it! If this is new to you just give it a try, yes it may feel strange but what can it hurt? How well are you doing on your own? For me, during these times I take a hot shower. I sit in the tub and let the warm water run over me. Sometimes I close my eyes and bow my head; sometimes I just look straight ahead, watching the water. I usually cry; and it helps. I let the water wash the tears away and I pour my heart out. When I get out of the shower, sometimes, I feel instantly better, other times I even feel worse. But always, after a period, I feel better. I have allowed God to enter my heart.
God already knows your troubles and pain. No, you don't need to tell it all to Him. But He wants you to. It does help to talk to Him about it!

A verse of scripture that helps me through these times is Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding."

We may never know why we go through the things we do. But God does. So let him comfort you and try not to understand everything.