Sunday, December 6, 2009


What is normal? Who gets to decide what is normal and what is not; the culture one belongs to or the society one lives in? The problem is we have spent so much time trying to conform to our social and cultural norms we have lost who we really are. We were not created to be like each other. We are all different and these differences should be what make up society.

We also see things differently then others around us. Each person has his or her own reality. Although some things seem the same to the individual they are different. If we would stop trying to be like everyone else and be our self, we would be able to see that each person sees life differently. We were not created with the same eyes. Like fingerprints, we each have a set of eyes that identify us as an individual.

How can we see things in this life the same if we are looking through different eyes?

From a spiritual point of view: God said he created us in his likeness (Genesis 1:27) but did not say he created us all the same. Meaning, we have basic core elements in common but truly, we are different. He designed each of us the way he wanted us –no two people the same. Look back into the scripture at his disciples and others in the bible; they are different. Each person had his or her own unique relationship with Christ as well. If you read the first four books of the bible, you can see this. The stories are the same but the relationships held as well as the views of each happening are different. We are all different and have been from the beginning.

I wish more people could see their individuality and love and respect that in them. This would overflow into loving and respecting others for the same. If we could accept, who we are and who we are not in our self and others, than the world would be a more loving and peaceful place! At least this is how I see things…

Saturday, September 26, 2009

What does age really matter?

Age is a funny thing. People get so worried about getting older. It’s not like it sneaks up on us; each year we’re reminded we get older. This is why I did not understand the concern people had for me when I turned 30. Most of my friends have already turned 30 and this did not change who they were. I know and love who I am; getting older is not going to change that. I have always looked at getting older as a good thing. The older I get the more I learn. The older I get the closed I am to finding someone special, getting married and starting a family.

That thought is what leads me to write today. When was an age stamp placed on marriage and family? How did we get to believe we should to be married or have kids by a certain age? I’m sure part of it has to do with our grandparents who married young. However, that was normal back then; marring your high school sweetheart as soon as you graduate. Things changed when our parents came along. Many of them waited to marry until they got onto their 20’s. However, not that it really matters, majority of them are divorced now.

Being single and 30 brings about much discussion about marriage and kids. Older people respond by telling me they are sorry. As if I should be ashamed for being so old and single. Middles aged people tell me to stay single that marriage sucks. The younger crowd just ask me why. Why, is a good question. I could be married and have kids by now –if I was willing to settle. I want more then a companion or house mate. I want love! I want to be 90 and still look forward to waking up and spending the day with my husband. I want to experience all aspects of life and growth with the man I marry. So, I do not worry about how old I will be when I meet my Mr. Right and get married. Yes, there is a time limit on birthing children but there is not limit on adopting a child who needs two loving parents. Age should not matter on life events. What matters is that we are doing what is right and being true to our self. We cannot put an age on things that are so close to our being such as love, friendship, or experiences.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The World of Blogging

Well I guess I have just entered the world of blogging. I am not sure how this all works but there is no better way to find out then to jump head first into it. I have always been an all or nothing kind of girl anyway. So I will give this my all!

I decided six years ago I was going to write a book. I started the outline about that time and have worked on it -on and off every since. For some time I doubted my abilities in writing. Now, I KNOW I can write it; I am just not sure where to start. I guess that is where this blog comes into play. I will utilize my freedom of abstract writing here to prepare myself. I am not sure how much of what I share will have to do with my finished product but I have no doubt it will influence it in some way. Who knows, some posts might find its way into the pages of my book. Guess we will all have to wait and see...