We have become so use to the feelings of anxiety, worry, stress, sadness, and anger we have such a difficult time giving it all to God. We unknowingly fear what we would be like, how we would function without these negative emotions. We don’t know God’s peace as normal. This is a shame. We don’t know the happiness, joy, and calmness God can provide by taking away these feelings we have become accustom to. We may give God these feelings from time to time but we soon take them back because her begin to feel like something is wrong. Shouldn’t we feel sad? Why aren’t we worrying? Isn’t stress normal? We go back to what we have always known. We soon forget how wonderful the peace God is. How amazing we feel when we give our problems to Him.
“I leave you peace, my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27
What we need to understand is just because God gives us peace doesn’t mean the troubles we are going through will go away. Giving our anxiety and worry to God doesn’t mean our life will be perfect. We will have trials and trouble, we will struggle in this life, this is a fact. However, we can go through these difficult times with a peace that carries us through without the worry and stress of each situation. We can walk through the troubles knowing God is with us and protecting us. Knowing we are not alone.
“I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.” John 16:33
God desires to take our negative feelings away. God urns to give us his unrelenting peace!
Talk to him, tell him what you are feeling then ask him to take the anxiety, anger, sadness, worry, stress, and fear away. That is what he wants, he will take it! Give it to him and when you feel yourself taking it back (and you will) stop, refocus and give it to him again. You deserve God’s peace. Jesus died so we could have this peace and God gives it freely to those who ask.
“Give all your worries to him, because he cares about you” 1 Peter 5:7
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